Drew & I have been needing to get busy on the aluminum top on the 1957 Willys Jeep. It is bolted on to the tub and we need to remove it. Eventually, it will end up on the 1960 Willys.
It is very very very well bolted on to the Jeep. So rather than using penetrating oil, we are just going to cut the bolt off with a rotary tool. Drew did an excellent job cutting the bolts. He cut, while I supervised and finish the job of removing the bolt. 8 bolts down today, and one cutting disk destroyed. More bolts are waiting to be cut.
One of the things I like about this project is how it teaches patience. I have certainly learn patience, and Drew is learning it as well. Good life lessons for father and son.

My son is only 2½ right now, but he may be as old as Drew by the time I get around to starting up the Jeep project again (it's been on hold since 1996 when the old engine was removed with the help of Matthew D, so what's a few more years?). My 4½ year old daughter wants to help me get it up and running, too. Both kids love "bumpy roads" in my truck - they'll LOVE the Jeep when we get 'er running and trailworthy!
It's been fun watching your progress. Thanks for keeping up the restoration journal!
You will have time. It will be a great project. And the parts and fun will all still be there when you get to it.
Look forward to seeing it in the future!
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