Saturday, July 3, 2010

Wakefield Willys Update 3.9

Given my busy schedule next week, I decided to make the most of a beautiful Saturday in Nashua.

Body Work
Cleaned up the front of the "Tub" on the passenger side around the fake battery compartment. Primed it and ready for paint tomorrow or whenever I get to it.

From the picture it should be obvious, we removed the grille today and separated it from the radiator and frame. Looks good, but I see some more body work I was not expecting. Hopefully nothing serious...... famous last words.

Cleaned up the grill mounts, primed them.

I also have a small side project that is a repair for the "tub". Separate post is coming.

Overall a very very good day, lots done. The frame looks very good in the front, glad to see that up close.

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