Finally got the snowplow assembly off! Whoo Hoo!!! Thanks to the Master Mechanic's advice to pick up an air tool set at Lowe's, I got the last bolt off and the snow ploy assembly dropped to the ground.
This was important, as it is in the way, and kept me from getting to the frame to clean it up and paint it. Plus it made it difficult to use a jack to lift up the front axle.
With the plow assembly off, Drew and I started wirebrushing the frame and cleaning the firewall. Painted the firewall and painted the frame up to the front cross member. All in all a good day, and making progress on the front end. Pretty soon all we will have to do is the engine work! We are nearing the finish line on the front end restoration.
Pictured is the newly painted grill in natural sunlight. Looks better out of the tent, and gives a good indicator of what the front end will look like all painted up.